
Timing is crucial when considering evicting Bats from buildings. The Little Brown Bat and Northern Long Eared Bat give birth between late June and mid-July. After birth it takes approximately three weeks for the pups to learn how to fly or become “Volant”. Since most colonies in homes or buildings are maternity colonies, if the Bats are evicted too early or prior to the pups becoming volant and feeding on their own, the pups will die. Bat exclusions should only take place from the beginning of September until the end of April.

The importance of Bats

Bats are critical to our environment and the agricultural industry, but many are listed as endangered. It is crucial to protect the bats that do remain. Bats provide many ecosystems services including: Pollination, seed dispersal, and insect control. Canadian bats provide the service of insect control, but bats in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world also provide pollination and seed dispersal.

Human Health Concerns

There are two primary Health concerns associated with Bats: Histoplasmosis and Rabies.

White-nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease caused by a cold-resistant fungus called Pseudogymnoascus destructanssince WNS first emerged in 2006 in Northeastern United States. It is estimated that at least 6.7 million Bats have died from WNS in North America. Once infected, it appears to generate rapid dehydration in Bats, resulting in Bats arousing more frequently from hibernation which causes them to burn their limited energy reserves and emerge from hibernation too early. There are few insects around in winter, so the affected Bats often starve to death or die from cold exposure. The only two Bat species on prince Edward island that are confirmed to form maternity colonies are the little Brown Bat (Little Brown Myotis) and the northern long-eared bat (Northern Myotis). Other Bat species have been recorded using acoustic instruments these bats include; the Hoary Bat, the Eastern Red Bat, and the Big Brown Bat and/or the Silver Haired Bat. with acoustic detections we do not yet know if we have both the Silver- haired Bat or Big Brown Bat or just one of these species on PEI. Tri-colored bat has not been detected on PEI.